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Business leaders through the ages have evaluated as most unpleasant tasks all the administration related activities. From the documentation to updating of the data. It seems that Managers have less and less time they can spend on doing the real business.
SinuLab solutions are developed considering the activities that Managers perform on daily basis. We have designed these solutions to be simple and convenient.
Most importantly, our tools can help Managers to save up to 50% of time spent on administration activities and as an additional bonus, they will have a complete overview of their Employees data, performance progress and development.
The benefit of innovation is not always about the new and complicated solution. Instead, innovation is necessary to support simple activities in the organization in order to reach the goals. For small and medium size companies, changing the excel and word approach to software is a huge innovation. Operative, resource, and cost-effectiveness mindset is the key in a contemporary business world. SinuLab software provides many tools and solutions that will help Managers take important decisions regarding people and business development, promptly.
Special features are born together with our clients considering the specialty of their businesses. You describe what you want and we create the solution.
Software never replaces real people, Leaders or Managers. But software can help Managers to turn their work more people oriented and resultful. We believe that a good Manager is able to handle business and organization, and people. We in SinuLab help Managers to be successful in these tasks.
Traditionally, the human resource software is aimed for HR people. SinuLab is designed for Managers and Leaders, and people in the organization, and for their successful development through interactions. SinuLab software integrates roles for all – Employees, Managers and also for HR specialists.
Our practical jet novel tools will help the whole organization to focus on their most important asset – PEOPLE.
- praktikas kasutatavad protsessid, mis aitavad keerulised tegevused lihtsaks muuta
- lahendused, mis aitavad säästa juhi aega: dokumendid, puhkused, infovahetus, tagasiside jms
- operatiivsus tegevustes, mis siiani on olnud aeganõudvad – eesmärkide seadmine, tulemuste hindamine, järjepidevus, töötaja vestlused jms
- juhil ja töötajal kulub vähem aega bürokraatiale, rohkem sisulisele äri-ja arendustegevusele
- aitab juurutada ja efektiivsemaks muuta kogu tulemusjuhtimise protsessi
- seob omavahel töötajate potentsiaali, kompetentside arendamise, ärilised eesmärgid ja tulemuste hindamise