Dear HR fellow!

You have probably already started to set goals and plans for the upcoming year, eg. planned various activities and initiatives. At the same time, there are many such kind of activities in HR work that are repeating year after year, forming a so-called cycle.

In order for both Managers and HR fellows to have a good overview of how activities and initiatives are distributed over the year, we made a handy PowerPoint tool for you so that you can put together an annual “Clock” that is adaptable for your Company.

The tool is free and you only need to download the file:

HR annual clock

Our template includes the activities that usually take place at such times. All tertiary titles can be changed and adjusted to suit your Company’s schedule.

GUIDELINES: To adjust the “Clock” click doble with the mouse & the  “Format” panel will appear on the right. Click on “Edit data in Excel“and make your adjustments in Excel table.

Happy planning and clocking!