Employee-based surveys have been used in Companies and in Teams, to map satisfaction and commitment, for quite a long time. However, it has been observed that the usual “long and once a year” survey still does not provide sufficient basis for faster decisions or more operational support for Employees needs.

In modern data-driven decision based Leadership the Tools and approaches that enable long and short-term surveys to be combined with fast and personal feedback, have become much valuable for Managers.

Below is a brief overview of what kind and type of surveys companies and managers should consider for their Staff.

Different surveys and their usage:


First, NPS surveys can both be directed to external target groups (partners, suppliers etc.) and also to explore the broader background of customer satisfaction. You can add 1-2 additional questions to the NPS question, either with answer selection or with a text field.

Many companies have begun to use NPS surveys to measure internal “temperature”, targeting Employees and Managers. Progressive practice is, that internal NPS is combined with some specific questions. Some of the web tools allow to automate the survey(s) and a full cycle of survey.

Where to use:

  • to measure customer satisfaction
  • ask for customer feedback
  • to explore Employee attitude and recommendation rate
  • ask for feedback from Employees


Pulse surveys are successfully used over a specific period of time to monitor and provide immediate feedback for example on the post-change situation in the organization, or on the mindset and attitudes of employees. The pulse-survey is a repetitive study that focuses specifically on one topic of a choice, for example, a topic that emerges from a satisfaction survey or the impact of changes over a period of time. The survey is short and easy for the respondent to complete. Pulse surveys usually consist of up to three questions.

Where to use:

  • Measuring attitude before and after change
  • re-examining a specific topic in a longer survey (eg a satisfaction study)
  • prompt feedback and evaluation from Employees


Satisfaction surveys are conducted in many organizations. The best practices show that combining the longer surveys with short-term and more operational research, allows better understanding of bottlenecks and focus points. By combining different topics and asking for feedback it is possible to get a very thorough and good overview of what is happening in the Organization.

Question types to use:

  • multiple choice (one or more answer options)
  • NPS
  • Choice of preferences
  • prioritization
  • text response


Personal quiz is an approach that focuses on one respondent at a time. Meaning, that the answer is usually not consolidated with other respondents, but only accessible to respondent and the Manger. It is convenient to use personal quiz, for example, to explore motivation and stress issues to discuss later with the Employee in person. Personal quiz is also used, for example, in the preparatory phase of performance appraisals or in exit interviews.

When to use:

  • Allows the Manager and Employee to focus on analyzing specific feedback or judgment
  • A personal motivation barometer
  • Measuring employee stress level
  • Analysis before performance or development appraisal
  • A summary or additional tool of the exit interview.


SinuLab has created software that allows you to significantly improve the quality of your management activities through agility, decision-making, consolidated data, and maximum employee-manager involvement. For example, the survey module is easily combinable with various modules like performance reviews, recruitment, Employee development etc. At the same time, the software will save you almost 50% of your previous administration time.

Might you have questions or looking for additional information, please contact us below or send an email to sinulab@sinulab.com:Ā 

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