Employee surveys and feedback

Employee-based surveys have been used in Companies and in Teams, to map satisfaction and commitment, for quite a long time. However, it has been observed that the usual "long and once a year" survey [...]

Manager Toolbox – TeamShop method as Performance Reviews in group

Meeskondlik arenguvestlus Arenguvestlust võib pidada juba üsna traditsiooniliseks juhtimise tööriistaks. Tavapäraselt tehakse arenguvestlusi juhi ja töötaja vahel. Neid peetakse personaalseks ja teinekord ka konfidentsiaalseks oma sisu ja olemuse tõttu. Üldjuhul on arenguvestluse [...]

Manager Toolbox – meaningful goals

The anatomy of professional goals The role of a leader in setting and achieving high-quality goals is crucial. Primarily, a leader's role is to act as a discussion partner, questioner, challenger, and [...]

Manager Toolbox – designing smart work

What is Smart Work? A significant portion of people aspire to engage in activities that bring out their potential and test their abilities while providing opportunities to strive, learn, and grow. Employers, [...]

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